What we know:
Agloco Viewbar

* The Viewbar is a small toolbar that rests on the bottom of your screen or browser window while you surf the Internet.
* The Viewbar software is what enables AGLOCO to collect the money you are earning while browsing the Internet.
* The Viewbar tracks (somehow?) your online interests and preferences to deliver targeted ads for you.
* Search (which lets us get you money from search engine companies)
* Contextual ads (which lets us get you money from advertisers)
* Anti-fraud and other software utilities (which lets us get you money from software companies)
* Target release is for February or March 2007.
* from Agloco.com
Speculate on other features:
Viewbar IM VOIP
* Economic Network Hmmm maybe investment websites?
* Universal IM This looks like they want you to use the Viewbar for all your IM’ing. Wonder what IM servers they will support?
* Free Phone Maybe they are also planning VOIP support?
Viewbar Desktop and Web Search
* Desktop Search This would take the Viewbar out of the realm of a connected app. Probably will need more information on this before I use it.
* Web Search No brainier. This is probably how we will make a good chunk of our money.
Viewbar Future Features Video

* Podcast Makes sense they want you to get as much of what you do on the Internet.
* Video This is hot right now. And probably more people will watch video ads then click on text links?
* Broadcast System Maybe they will partner with channels to deliver conent? Or maybe you will broadcast yourself?
* All of the features look like they wont be in the first release.
Viewbar Community, Discounts, Targeted Ads
* News
* Discounts
* Targeted Ads
* This looks like where the business will be of the Viewbar.
Viewbar Credit Accural
* Credit Accrual Indicator Well this looks like it keeps track of how much time you spend per month? Or maybe how many shares you have earned from all of your referrals? I couldn’t really tell form the picture what exactly this is.
Any other mentions?
* There have been mentions of other operating systems. So maybe the Viewbar will be ported to Mac or Linux?
* So far we have only seen the Viewbar with IE. Maybe they will also make a Firefox? (I haven’t seen any mention of this)
If anyone has any more info let me know and I’ll update this post.
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